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Role of Agni (digestive fire) in maintaining the health

Updated: Apr 11, 2024

Agni has been described as the one that brings transformation, assimilates, which has capacity to enter into the minute channels of the body. Agni converts food into the form of energy which is responsible for all the vital functions of our body

Agni is the key factor in transformation of consumed Ahara (food). Agni is the derivative of Tejo Mahabhuta (Fire: one of the five elements: Air, fire, water, space/ether & earth). There are 13 different types of Agni, categorized according to their site of action.

Agni is the cause of life, strength, health and nourishment. A balanced Agni is the reason for happy, healthy and long life, whereas an imbalanced Agni results to disturbed metabolism which leads to ill health and diseases. Hence Agni is considered as a main factor in maintaining life.

1. Jathargani : Looks after the function of digestion and absorption of food.

Jatharagni Paka (Gastrointestinal digestion) is described as Avasthapaka in Ayurveda. Avasthapaka is the change in the state of food in the stomach and in the intestines, during the course of digestive processbe posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow readers to explore more of what interests them.

2. Bhutagni (5 types): Converts heterogeneous substances (Dravyas) to homogeneous substances (Dravyas).

Bhutagni is the one that is present in a basic element (Bhutas). There are five Agnis in each of the five basic elements, namely, Parthiva (earth), Apya (water), Tejas (Fire), Vayavya (Air) and Akasha(Spcae/ether). Each and every cell in our body is composed of the five Mahabhutas and each cell has respective five bhutagni.

To convert ingested food to part of the body there exists a process of paka (Metabolic transformation), which is attributed to Bhutagni. The five Bhutagnis digest their own part of the element present in the food materials.

3. Dhatvagni (7 types): That which promotes the growth of sharira (body) is dhatu. Dhatvagni performs synthesis and breakdown of tissues.

Dhatus are seven in number, Rasa, Rakta(blood), Mamsa(muscle tissue), Meda(fat tissue), Asthi(bone tissue), Majja(bone marrow) and shukra(sperm and sexual hormones). Dhatvagnis are seven (Rasagni, Raktagni, Mamsagni, Medogni, Asthyagni, Majjagni, shukragni), located in its own dhatus (tissues).

Saptadhatus (Seven primary body tissues) get nourishment from Ahara rasa (Digested food) or the chyle. Chyle is the end product of digestion

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Agni is the cause of life, strength, health and nourishment. A balanced Agni is the reason for happy, healthy and long life, whereas an imbalanced Agni results to disturbed metabolism which leads to ill health and diseases. Hence Agni is considered as a main factor in maintaining life.



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