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Eye Care - Ayurvedic Tips

Our eyes filter and absorb an endless stream of visual stimuli day after day. We often take them for granted, but when we strain them the pain can be acute.

According to Ayurveda, the eyes are a seat of the Pitta Dosha (the fire principle), and most eye problems result from Pitta imbalance.

Alochaka Pitta is the type of Pitta that is present in the eyes which is responsible for vision and luster of the eyes. “Alochaka” in sanskrit means “that which helps to see”. 

The chances for eye irritation and strain are higher in people with Pitta body Type.

Methods to Relax and Rejuvenate the eyes


The mind and vision are intertwined, according to Ayurveda. It is very important to follow regular meditation and systematic relaxation as the remedies for eye irritation. 



One of the most effective remedies for eye strain and for burning eyes is massaging the scalp and feet thrice a week with one teaspoon of castor oil. Don't wash head with hot water.

In case of Pitta imbalance or hot weather use brahmi oil, Cow’s Ghee or  coconut oil instead. 

The oil Helps in relaxing the mind and facial muscles including eyes. It reduces the burning sensation in the eyes.


EYE YOGA : Trataka

Trataka is one of the six yogic cleansing practices or Shat Kriyas . 

This cleansing practice is commonly referred to as candle gazing.

The idea of trataka is that you focus your awareness on a single point, commonly a flame, in order to calm the mind and soothe and strengthen the eyes.

Trataka is certainly a wonderful way to counterbalance the effects of excess blue light.

Practicing Trataka Purifies the eyes, strengthens the eye muscles and improves vision and memory, strengthens the ability to concentrate and is therefore recommended for school children.

Develops intuition, the ability to visualise and willpower.


  1. Triphala churna: One of the best ingredients of triphala is Amla . One of the best ingredients of triphala is amlaki or amla, which is known for being the best sources of vitamin C. It helps prevent the development of cataract.

  2. Coriander Seeds and Fennel seeds : Infusions made of coriander seeds or fennel seeds can be used as cold eye-washes.

  3. Yastimadhu (Glycirrhiza glabra) is sweet in taste, good for eyes, provides strength, improves voice and reduces the problem of Pitta, Vata and Rakta. It cures the inflammatory edema.

  4. Saindhava Lavan (Rock Salt) is a slightly sweet in taste, cold in potency, light in nature and good for eyes. It mitigates all the three Doshas.

  5. Rakta  Chandana  (Pterocarpus  santalinus) is cooling, heavy, sweet and bitter in taste. It is useful in burning sensations. It is good for vision.


  1. Banana (Musa sapientum) Its ripe fruit is sweet in taste, nourishing and controls eye diseases. Its fruit contain- serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine etc. like factors.

  2. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) - is a sweet fruit which pacifies all the three Doshas. Its fruit contains punicalagin and punicalin and seeds contain cyanidin-3 glucoside. Pomegranate constituents having anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity effects. punicalagin and punicalin are able to increase the bacterial production of short chain fatty acids by inducing the growth and metabolism of commensal bacteria.

  3. Common grape vine (Vitis vinifera) - is sweet and astringent taste, sweet in post-digestive effect, laxative, beneficial for eyes, nourishing, helps in the excretion of the urine and stools and enhances flatus. It contains Sucrose, fructose, vitamins, phenolic compounds and arsenic. It has Antioxidant property.


  1. Moringa seeds - are beneficial for eye health. It has one of the highest antioxidants. Particularly, it has 6x of the antioxidants than goji berries and matcha. It is extremely beneficial to consume it on regular basis to prevent eye disorders. It's seeds contain glycoside moringine. It acts as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal & antibacterial.

  2. Amla : Indian Gooseberry ----It is considered as a  "superfruit” in Ayurveda.  100-gram serving of fresh amla berries contains as much vitamin C as 20 oranges. Amla berries are rich in vitamin A, which is key to improving eye health. Vitamin A not only improves vision, but it also may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Amla's vitamin C content aids in eye health by fighting bacteria.

  3. Ghrita vitalizes the tissues, palatable, beneficial for vision, appetizer, cold in potency. It pacifies Pitta and Vata, doesn`t block channels. It also promotes life span and strengthens the body. In ghee different varieties are beneficial for eyes in different ways. Cow’s Ghee is particularly beneficial to vision, appetizer, sweet in taste, cold in potency, pacifies Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It is considered as best among all types of ghee.


  1. Use of Triphala Kashaya (decoction of Triphala) or Triphala Churna (Triphala powder) with honey or ghee is beneficial for eyes.

  2. Use of Triphala Churna with Ghee in Pittaja eye diseases, with sesame oil in vataja eye diseases and with honey in kaphaja eye diseases is advocated.

  3. Doing eye wash regularly with Triphala kashaya (decoction of Triphala) from the beginning will destroy all eye diseases and protect eyes.

  4. Doing eye wash after filling mouth full of water daily in the morning will prevent eye diseases.

  5. Massage of eyes with wet palm immediately after having food will protect vision from harmful effects.

  6. One should neither induce natural urges forcefully nor suppress (suppression of tears, vomiting etc.) as it may lead to grave full eye diseases.

  7. Pouring warm water over body bestows strength, but the same overhead, makes for loss of strength of hairs and eyes.

  8. It is good to apply Anjana (Collyrium), use of Nasya (Infiltration of Medicines through Nostrils) daily as a routine regimen to protect eyes and to drain out excess Kapha from the eyes as eye can be easily afflicted with diseases.

  9. One should regularly consume Triphala, Ghee, Barley, Wheat, Shastika shali (old rice), Saindhava Lavana, Draksha, Dadima (pomegranate), use of Shatavari (Asparagus officinalis), Green Gram doing Padabhyanga (oil massage of foot), use of footwear and application of medicated Lepa (paste) to the Pada (foot) to protect vision.

  10. One should avoid overeating, anger, grief, sleeping in daytime, or awakening in night and eating food which vitiates vata dosha.

Guidelines for Healthy eyes

  1. Avoid - Alcohol, spicy food, pollution, and direct sunlight will also increase your risk for eye irritation, since these all lead to increased Pitta.

  2. Manage - Stress, anger, anxiety

  3. For every 20 minutes on the screen give a break of 20 seconds and look any natural object, preferably 20ft away (e.g, a tree)

  4. Sleep - 6-8 hours relieves eye strain.

  5. Don’t touch or rub your eyes repeatedly.


  1. Netra Tharpanam - A dam of herbal oil and juices is kept around the eyes with the help of medicated paste. This is good to prevent eye strain and improve vision. This gives eyes a cooling action and is advised in so many eye disorders. A treatment for the eyes effective in preventing cataract and strengthening the optic nerve. This process cleans the eyes, imparts a cooling effect, prevents eye diseases and strengthens the optic nerve and clears eye irritation

  2. Anjanam - A natural collyrium for the health and beauty of eyes.

  3. Takradhara - t is a form of treatment in which herbalized Ayurvedic buttermilk is poured onto your forehead. It helps reduce Pitta and cools down the body.

  4. Shirodhara - It is a form of treatment in which warm, herbalized Ayurvedic oil is poured onto your forehead. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, enhances quality of sleep, Pacifies Vata Dosha


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